Daily Quip
April 2001 Archives

Source & Quip
James Sanford?
He that goesth to bed with dogs, ariseth with fleas.
I have seen this attributed to James Sanford, presumably the film reviewer, but it is unverified. Help me out if you know.
Joe Garagiola
Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast. Baseball is a Funny Game
Former St. Louis Cardinals player and boyhood pal of Yogi Berra went on to have a career in broadcasting. CBS Sportsline has more.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Wonder Stuff
Life is like a drink and I'm hoping that it tastes like bourbon.
From The Size Of A Cow. In case you are wondering ...
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Anonymous Russian
Our Congress is like the circus, but less talented.
Just in case you want circus tickets.
Men do not stumble over mountains, but over molehills.
Confucious (551-479 BC.) All you want to know about Confucious.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Disconnected in Virginia, no quote today. Hard to believe, no signal.
Groucho Marx
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.
Why a Duck?
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Helen Keller
Keep your face to the sunshine & you cannot see the shadow.
Visit the Helen Keller foundation site for a biography and lots of photograhs.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Philip K. Dick
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away
One of my personal favs in the Sci-fi genre. Check out this site: Lots of info and other links (including book cover images).
Dennis Rodman
Madonna wasn't an acrobat but she wasn't a dead fish either
This may be the official Rodman site, should you feel the need to e-mail him. Or stop by and see Madonna.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Kathleen Turner
Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise.
Filmography and bio of this actress (recently of The Virgin Suicides) at IMDb.com
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Carl Jung
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.
Lots more on Freudian follower and core member of the early psychoanalytic movement, Carl Jung, may be found on his site.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Dorothy Parker
You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think.
If you don't know Dorothy Parker, at least check out Dorothy Parker's New York.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
See you in heaven, if you make the list. Man On The Moon
REM at CDNow or another site with lyrics, chords, current news and more.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Darth Vader
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Interesting comment from a master of the Dark Side of the Force.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Virginia Woolf
For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
Writer,(1882-1941). Read more about her in the NY Times or explore a multitude of sites about her on Yahoo.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Albert Einstein
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.
Wonderful compilation of material about Einstein may be found at Albert Einstein Online.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Germaine Greer
No sex is better than bad sex.
Femminist writer Germain Greer at Brilliant Careers from Salon or look at some of the other links via Yahoo.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Desmond Morris.
The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Frankline Delano Roosevelt
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement & the thrill of creative effort.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
French Proverb
Those who do not do politics will be done in by politics.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
J. M. Barrie
We are all failures--at least, all the best of us are.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Tom Robbins
Don't be outraged, be outrageous!
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Rolling Stones
Pride & joy & greed & sex, that's what makes our town the best.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Kaiser Wilhelm
Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world.
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Welsh Proverb
If every fool wore a crown, we'd all be kings.
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Mae West
Give a man a free hand and he'll run it all over you.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Mark Twain
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company..
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Edna Buchanan
True friends are those who really know you but love you anyway.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing
Leo Tolstoy
The strongest of all warriors are these two: Time and Patience.
Personal Musings and Shameless Merchandizing

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